Serie Sudoku combined with Relations

At this type of Sudoku Sudoku you will find a number of series you need to solve the puzzle. Under explanation you will find the complete explanation of this kind of Sudoku.

The difference between the first and the second number is allways equal. The series are three numbers long. Examples of series are: 1-2-3, 2-4-6, 7-6-5 and 9-5-1. These series are also necessary to solve the puzzle.

This type of Sudoku has several levels of difficulty (indicated from  * to  ****** (extreme difficult).


Download the Explanation.


Download de Reeks Sudoku's met relaties (inclusief oplossing):

  1. Serie Sudoku with Relaiions***
  2. Serie Sudoku with Relations ****
  3. Serie Sudoku with Relations *****
  4. Serie Sudoku with Relations ******

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