Sudokus with double patterns

The three digits in the yellow colored pattern, combined with the six digits in the blue pattern, must be filled with the numbers  from 1 to 9. This also applies to other patterns (gray, red, etc.). This patterns must always be combined with the yellow pattern.



Download the Sudokus with double patterns:


A. Double patterns I:

  1. ** moderate 
  2. *** difficult
  3. ***** extreem difficult

B. Double patterns II:

  1. ** moderate 
  2. *** difficult
  3. **** very difficult


C. Double patterns III:

  1. ** moderate
  2. **** zeer moeilijk
  3. ***** extreme difficult


D. Double patterns with 5 blocks:

  1. *** moeilijk


E. Double patterns with 8 blocks:

  1. *** difficult


F. Double patterns with 12 blocks:

  1. *** difficult

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